Rick Funk » Posts


Astronomy This Summer (May - August)

A few of the things happening in Astronomy this summer.

Astronomy Week of May 11th

I changed things up a bit this week because of all the weather and cloud cover we may be getting.

Venus (Night of April 21st)

Venus in the video appears as a crescent shape similar to the moon. It was discovered by Galileo that the inner planets (Mercury and Venus) go through phases like our moon.

Astronomy Week of April 27th

A few of the things you can see in the night time sky the week of April 27th.

Jupiter and Galilean Moons 21 April 2020

Here is a short little video of Jupiter moving across the sky on the morning of April 21st, 2020 using the District's Dobsonian telescope. As Jupiter moves across the screen, Ganymede is highest, then Europa, Io is closest to Jupiter and near the end Callisto will come into view.

Astronomy Week of April 20th

This video describes a few of the things happening in Astronomy this week.

Astronomy Week of April 13th

This is what will be happening the week of April 13th in the night time sky.