Step up to Kindergarten ASQ
Hello Bradley Kindergarten parents!
The State of Kansas requires all incoming kindergarten parents to complete the Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) to assess kindergarten readiness. These questionnaires will also assist staff in getting to know your student. You may use the link to complete the questionnaires at home with your student prior to the first day of school on August 13, 2024 or you may attend the Stepping Up to Kindergarten event on July 30, 2024 anytime between 9am-12:00 pm to complete these forms at your neighborhood elementary school. When completing the questionnaire, it may be helpful to have your student nearby to access simple skills. If you are attending July 30th, please bring him/her with you to the school event.
Please follow the instructions below to complete BOTH the ASQ-SE2 and ASQ 3 from the following link. Once the first form is submitted, there will be a link to the next questionnaire displayed:
(Click the above link to access)
- Enter your child’s birthday in the following format (with dashes): YYYY-MM-DD (example: 2015-05-09)
- Enter the number of weeks your child was premature. If they were not premature, enter “0.”
- For the screening dates, choose “I am screening my child today.”
- Click “Submit.”
- Click “Enter your results.”
- Go through the questionnaire and answer to the best of your ability. If you aren’t sure, have your child try to complete the activity.
- The system will have you complete the ASQ 2 first. When you finish with ASQ 2, there will be a link to complete ASQ 3. Please complete both.
Thank you so much for supporting USD 207 and your child’s learning!