Choir » Choir


Choir is offered to students in grades 4, 5, and 6.  Choir students meet in the morning twice a week before school at 7:30 am.  Choir has several informal performances throughout the year and have a formal year-end evening concert in May with the band.  Students will be exposed to a variety of choral repertoire and will learn proper singing technique, singing as an ensemble, and music reading.

Participation in an outstanding music ensemble can be one of the most fulfilling experiences of your life. There is no secret to success – it requires your time, your dedication, and your discipline. With those things we can accomplish anything, and few memories of your school career will leave you with as powerful an impression as will music.

Over the course of the year you will make great friends, sing wonderful music, experience leadership, teamwork, and maybe a little fun. Through it all, it is your responsibility to see that you present yourself as an individual with strength of character, determination, high expectations, and persistence.

The study of music contributes in important ways to the quality of every student’s life. Through singing, playing instruments, and composing, students can express themselves creatively, while knowledge of reading music and performance traditions enables them to learn new music independently throughout their lives. Skills in analysis and evaluation are important because they enable students to recognize and pursue excellence in their musical experiences and to understand and enrich their environment. Because music is an integral part of human history, the ability to listen with understanding is essential if students are to gain a broad cultural and historical perspective. The adult life of every student is enriched by the skills, knowledge, and habits acquired in the study of music.


Tenessa Martin

Music Instructor 

Bradley Elementary